Olive is a little green girl who lives in Strangeland. She is inseparable from her little dog that she rescued from a space shuttle that was sent from Earth as a science experiment. There is a coloring book available about Strangeland CLICK HERE

Boner is a Chihuahua mix who absolutely LOVES chewing on bones. He loves it so much that he always brings a bone along with him everywhere he goes. His favorite season is summer and favorite activity is to play fetch in a grassy field. He was living in the Always Strange Lab in Seattle until very recently. He now lives with his new owner at another home in Seattle.

Sven was named after his grandfather who, just like him, only had seven tentacles. He enjoys brushing his teeth every morning and evening, which is why they're so shiny and white. His dentist is very pleased with him. Sven loves balloons (especially rubbing them on his fuzzy hat and making them stick to things). He always wears a hat because it keeps his head warm. He recently moved away from the Strange Lab and now lives with a happy customer in Seattle.

"Teddy and Bok-Bok"
Teddy and his best friend Bok-Bok, an earthling farm chicken are always together. Their preferred method of transportation is a bike as it gets them places faster but not too fast so they can still enjoy the scenery around them. Teddy originally came from Russia, had a short stint in Strangeland, and finally settled on living in a small town in Pennsylvania in a family with Russian roots and a tiny baby. He recently wrote a letter back to Strangeland and said he couldn't be happier!

Lolly Tooth is older than all of his friends. He, unfortunately, lost all of his hair already but really enjoys the company of younger buddies as it makes him feel more energetic and lively. His favorite lolly pop flavor is green apple and he always has enough to share with others. His antennae allow him to be able to predict when it's going to rain. He recently moved away from Always Strange Lab in Seattle and now lives in sunny Orlando, FL in his new home.

Crowley is part crow and part owl - that's simply how he was born because his father was a majestic crow and his mother, a stunning owl native to Strangeland. Crowley grew up with his parents but was later invited to live on Earth, near Syracuse, NY with two amazing gentlemen who let him fly around their property.

Bouncy Circus
Leonard is a happy and willing participant in the local circus of Strangeland, a place where all creatures created by Seattle based artist Always Strange live and play. Leonard LOVES bouncing especially in front of large audiences. He loves the attention so much that he even spends his free time practicing his jumping tricks so that he always has new ones to show off. His favorite treat is bananas. Leonard recently moved away from the lab and happily lives in his new home in Seattle.

Robo Tot
Robo Tot is a young robot from Strangeland, a place where all creatures created by Seattle based artist Always Strange live and play. He likes to tinker with electronic things but often breaks them instead of fixing them. That's ok because it's the only way to learn! His favorite snack is bread dipped in delicious olive oil with herbs. Robo Tot was purchased as a gift to a tiny new baby and now lives in her room in Seattle.

In Progress

Cootie is the youngest of all of his friends and he wears a leotard. Everywhere he goes, his best friend "the Blowfish" comes along for what is sure to be an adventure. He was purchased by an admirer during one of the recent art shows and moved away to enjoy his new home.

In Progress

What possessed the artist to create such a scene, you might ask? Good question. Always Strange was going through a decision making process about a tricky relationship. This piece serves as the final liberating gesture made before ending a phase of life that wasn't really that good anyway. After all, no one wants to feel like a dependent puppet fully at the mercy of his master. This scene pokes fun at that notion and reminds of individual strength everyone has and can use to make his/her own life more rewarding.


This pickle is frightened of being eaten. The original painting lives in Tukwila, WA in a very nice kitchen of a friend. You can buy prints HERE

"Why is the Pickle so sad?" asked a little girl looking for answers on her mother's face. That is what happened while Sad Pickle was hanging at my friend's hair salon and a little client came in for a routine haircut. "Because it's about to be eaten" is a reasonable answer for a 5-year old. However, when she grows up she may start seeing symbolism beyond the obvious. This piece portrays victimization that can come from all around us - relationships, challenging work projects, illness, fear, insecurity. In some cases it can even be gender expression or inequality. Bottom line - we're all familiar with the emotion and can relate. This piece explores this emotion. You can own this ORIGINAL painting or purchase a PRINT HERE

Num Nums is a naughty puppy that may have just eaten another bird, like the one sitting on his ear. This scene portrays guilt and misbehavior in a light and comical way - a daily reminder of the fact that everyone makes mistakes and that life can be a bit gruesome and unpleasant at times. But that friendships and relationships are important, inevitable and a part of everyone's lives.

What a scary looking creature, right?? At first glance, maybe. However, don't you sometimes feel like that first thing in the morning, before your coffee and breakfast? Cheerios portrays a vulnerable being, one who would quickly turn plump, proportional and fuzzy as soon as someone gives him a loving hug. The heart and bone are features of his humanity and mortality. His naked body is a signal about his unfortunate circumstances. This piece serves as a humbling reminder about hunger, poverty and despair in the world.



"Spit Bubbles"
This giraffe understands the importance of making money as an adult but deep down he's still youthful and enjoys making spit bubbles.

Walnut is a grumpy little piglet who's allergic to peanuts. He has a real googly eye and he poops glitter! In this scene Walnut is flying like a balloon over a grassy field while his friend Ellie makes sure he doesn't fly away. Flying is his favorite! This Walnut piece is a permanent decorative structure at the Always Strange Lab headquarters in Seattle.


Imagery inspired by an original painting of fish from Africa. These creepy-cuties stood out to an eagle-eyed customer who purchased the work on the spot. Fishies are enjoying their new home in Seattle.

Walnut is a grumpy little piglet who's allergic to peanuts. He has a real googly eye and he poops glitter! In this scene Walnut happens to be flying over Seattle at night while tethered to a balloon. It's his first time visiting the city. He thinks he likes it :)

Coloring Book Mural
Mural of one page from Always Strange's second coloring book.